Onyx Stone Bouquet Ring

Onyx Stone Bouquet Ring


Stone TypeOnyx Material925k Silver Weight (gram)5.2 Size13




1 adet stokta

SKU: K0514 Category: Tags: , , ,

Onyx Stone Bouquet Ring is an elegant combination of craftsmanship and natural beauty. Each ring shines like a bouquet adorned with onyx stones that tell a unique story. The deep black of the onyx, like the stars in the night sky, reflects light and creates a dazzling contrast. This ring is a work of art shaped by the hands of masters; their labor and cultural heritage are hidden in every curve and stone. Onyx Stone Bouquet Ring is not only a piece of jewelry, but also a memory, a journey where the past and the future meet.















































































































Black, cream, Fuchsia, green, Purple, red, Saxe blue, Silver, turquoise, white